Professional Consultations
During your initial consultation I take the time to listen to your story, your full story. Everything matters to me & is an important part of getting the full picture. Your body works as a whole, not as isolated systems. Taking a comprehensive health history, completing in-clinic testing & accessing body signs help me to determine our first step on your path to healing. I employ food, lifestyle and herbal, nutritional and homeopathic formulas to bring about therapeutic changes.
Part of treatment is education and teaching you lifestyle & dietary measures that will help to support you. I also teach you about what is going on in your body, I think if you have a good understanding of what & why things are happening you become a more active part in your treatment.
Health Writing
Sharing my knowledge on health topics (especially gut health) is a true passion and that is why I self published my book ‘Gluten Free and Happy’. I always knew I would write a book, but funnily enough I always thought it would be a war time saga based on my Grandmother’s life………maybe one day.
Since then I have had an article published in ‘Australian Gluten-Free Life’ magazine and I currently write monthly blog articles for Brauer Professional. I am also an ambassador for the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) which involves developing educational resources as part of Natural Medicine Week 2021.
If you would like assistance in creating health content for your business then please feel free to get in touch by completing the form below.
I love creating Podcasts! Podcasts are such a fun way to communicate information to your community. Feel free to listen to my previous Podcasts with Bio-Practica, via the link in on resources page. If you have a Podcast and would like to work with me, then please feel free to get in touch by completing the form below.
I have experience in public speaking from groups of 15 to 100. I have presented at live events and webinars on many topics relating to general gut health, stress, the gut-brain connection and digestive conditions including IBS, SIBO, Diverticulitis, Coeliac Disease and Gluten Intolerance.
If you would like me to speak at your event please fill out the form below and let’s start working on your project.
What Tummy Rescue is all about
Regardless of what you have been told, you do not have to put up with the symptoms of IBS or SIBO.
As a Naturopath I have many tools to reduce & calm your symptoms, repair & soothe your gut and restore the function of your digestive system. Most importantly, together we will investigate and address your underlying causes. This gives you the best chance at having long term freedom from your tummy troubles.
Supporting you
through SIBO
SIBO is a condition, where bacteria that may be healthy in other areas of the body, overgrow in the wrong location, in the small intestine. This can lead to a huge variety of symptoms that overlap with IBS symptoms. SIBO can actually be the cause of your IBS! This is why it is so important to be properly tested, to see if you are positive and then begin the very specific treatment.
A double blind randomised study revealed that up to 64% of IBS patients were actually positive for SIBO based on the lactulose breath test.
Not all testing for SIBO is created equal and it is important that you are guided through all the steps.
Supporting you through Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a functional digestive condition. It is a collection of symptoms and a doctor will usually conclude you have it, once all other diseases related to you symptoms are ruled out. In other words it is a diagnosis of exclusion.
You may also have been told there is nothing that can be done to improve the condition, apart from taking medications to ease the symptoms.
As a Naturopath I look at all aspects of your digestive function and work out which organs and functions need support or restoring. It’s not only about relieving your symptoms, it’s also about supporting the body and restoring normal function, so that your symptoms stay away.
So why continue to waste your money and time on over the counter medications that don’t actually give you the symptom relief you need and simply cannot address the cause of your issues!
Stop the confusion and jumping from one product to another, never really knowing if what you are doing is right for you.