Waitlist for TRH Membership
2023 is actually here, can you believe it?!?!
Are you tired of the BLOATING, pain, gas, diarrhoea or constipation?
Are you sick of going round in circles SEARCHING FOR THE ANSWER?
Do you spend HOURS AT NIGHT GOOGLING for an answer to all your symptoms and then wondering if what you are reading is true?
Are YOU SICK OF JUMPING from diet to diet or supplement to supplements hoping this next one is the answer?
Are you over being told by the doctor there is NOTHING WRONG with your bloods, “everything looks normal”, so there is nothing that can be done?
Do you feel like you want more support, information and healthy recipes?
Are you overwhelmed by all the CONTRADICTING INFORMATION out there about “gut health”?
ARE YOU CONFUSED about what to eat?
Do you want RELIABLE INFORMATION you can trust?
Do you want to stop trying this or that and just hoping it might help?
Do you want a CLEAR PATH on how to find out what is actually going on with your gut?
Do you want RECIPES THAT MAKE EATING EXCITING AGAIN and don’t leave you doubles over in pain, running to the toilet or embarrassed by smelly gas?
Do you WANT INFORMATION YOU CAN TRUST from someone who has over 16 YEARS OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE working with clients?
Well if this has peaked your interest and has you trying to guess what’s coming… (AND you hate being the last to know)…..then click below to join my waitlist and I promise you, you will be the first to know!!
And please do not worry, I will still be seeing new and current patients in clinic and I have actually added a few hours for Online or phone consults on Tuesday mornings.
Danielle xoxo