Could your IBS, actually be Diverticulitis?
This month inside my Tummy Rescue Hub membership, the masterclass and cheat sheet I shared with my members was all about Diverticulitis. So I thought I should share some of the information with you as IBS shares so many symptoms with Diverticulitis. If you have just been told you have IBS by your practitioner and no other conditions have been ruled out, then you need to consider this. While they share many symptoms, they are distinct disorders with different underlying causes and therefore different treatments. It's crucial for individuals experiencing digestive issues to understand the differences and seek investigation to get answers so that your treatment can be chosen accordingly.
Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):
IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits. The diagnosis of IBS is typically based on a thorough medical history, symptom assessment, and the exclusion of other gastrointestinal disorders through various tests. It is considered a chronic condition, and you likely will be told by your GP that you need to put up with it. If you have had no testing done and been told you have IBS, I would suggest seeking further help. Also, know that you do not have to put up with IBS, there are many underlying causes I investigate with my patients, to help them resolve their symptoms.
Diverticulitis: A Potential Culprit for IBS symptoms:
Diverticulitis is a condition characterized by inflammation or infection of small pouches (diverticula) that can form in the walls of the colon. These pouches, known as diverticula, are more common in older adults,(although I am seeing it in younger patients in recent years). When they become inflamed or infected, it can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain (usually on the left side), fever, nausea, and changes in bowel habits.
While diverticulitis has its own set of symptoms, it's worth noting that some people may experience mild or even no symptoms at all. This can make it challenging to distinguish diverticulitis from other gastrointestinal issues, by symptoms alone.
The Overlapping Symptoms:
One reason for the confusion between IBS and diverticulitis is the overlapping nature of their symptoms. Both conditions can cause abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, gas, bloating, and discomfort.
It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the accurate diagnosis through proper evaluation, including imaging tests, blood tests, and, if necessary, a colonoscopy or other procedures. Misdiagnosing diverticulitis as IBS or vice versa can lead to delayed or inappropriate treatment, potentially worsening the condition.
Treatment Approaches:
As a Naturopath I can help patients with IBS and diverticulitis, but it is still important to know if we are dealing with Diverticulitis, as some very specific dietary, herbal, and monitoring approaches need to be taken.
While IBS and diverticulitis share some common symptoms, it is crucial to recognize the distinctions between these two gastrointestinal disorders. If you have been diagnosed with IBS but continue to experience persistent or worsening symptoms, it's important to revisit your healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation. A proper diagnosis is key to developing an effective treatment plan and managing your digestive health. I help patients navigate the medical system and support them in advocating for thorough investigations.
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A bit about me!
I am Danielle Elliott a qualified Naturopath and the owner of Tummy Rescue.
I have been helping kids & adults improve their health for over 16 years, with the last 11 years concentrating on helping patients with any kind of gut disorder. I began focussing on everything gut related after my husband was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. And lucky I did……as my husband and both our kids have Coeliac Disease and my daughter has a dairy allergy.
So…. I am well and truly where I am meant to be!
I love being able to help people to soothe and calm their symptoms, investigate the causes and support and improve their gut function.
I also get to write educational pieces to train practitioners and am often interviewed for podcasts and summits, which is another really rewarding part of my work. I love educating people (this is something I do in every consult), because I do believe knowledge is power. It gives you the tools to make the changes you need to!
So, when you opt-in to my E-book, you are beginning on a journey of learning and discovery, of how you can reduce your symptoms of bloating, gas & pain and improve your gut health.
I would be honoured to help you along the way.
Danielle xoxo