IBS pain is real…..it’s not just in your head!
Often when my patients have been told they have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), they get prescribed the low FODMAP diet and possibly an anti-depressant/told they stress too much/see a psychologist. This leaves them feeling like they are being told their condition is “all in their head”. They often also get told they just need to “manage” their symptoms with a laxative, anti-diarrhoeal, or de-gas.
The gut-brain-axis
Yes, the brain is involved in IBS, BUT do not let this make you think that it’s “all in your head”, not real, or that you are bringing this on yourself. The gut-brain-axis is an important part of reducing your IBS symptoms and resolving the underlying cause. When the communication between the gut and brain becomes disordered, many changes occur.
Imagine that the gut and brain communicate via texting (and we all know that texts can lead to miscommunication!!)
In normal gut-brain texting the gut communicates to the brain when the food arrives and then the brain communicates to the gut and the body and makes accommodations and changes. If this is going as it should, then the brain decreases sensation and pain, allows for gastric emptying, and slows the small intestine down to allow proper digestion and absorption. (image 1)
Vagal nerve pathway dysfunction
When the gut and brain have disordered communication (image 2), then the same processes do not occur. The gut believes it is full quickly, the brain has no time to downregulate pain and sensation, it does not allow for gastric emptying and then motility is affected. Almost every process that normally occurs, has the opposite occur, eg. pain sensation increases, the sensation of fullness increases, and gastric emptying and accommodation are decreased, this all leads to symptoms including excessive fullness, pain, and bloating. So it is not in your head!!! It is occurring due to functional and physiological changes.
Natural medicine can help
The best thing is, as a naturopath, I can help normalize these disordered changes in the body. I use herbs and other natural medicines to reduce symptoms by supporting the healthy function of all aspects of the digestive and nervous systems. I also use food to take a burden off the gut while it is healing and add in lifestyle changes that are supportive of the body and digestion.
Supportive lifestyle measures
Mindful eating, eating without the distraction of phone or TV
Chewing enough and stopping between mouthfuls
Not overeating
Sitting at a table with good posture for meals
Supportive dietary measures
While your gut is irritated it can be a good idea to minimize irritants like alcohol, fried foods, spicy foods, excess coffee
Eating well-cooked softer foods can also help
Adequate fluid intake
Herbal supportive measures
Ginger- alleviates reflux, bloating, and gas
Gentian- decreases pain chemicals and supports healthy motility of the gut
Chamomile- anti-spasmodic and calming for the nervous system
Lemon balm- calms nervous system and anti-inflammatory
This list of supportive measures is extremely short compared to what I actually use with my patients. I have almost unlimited tools that I can use to help address the causes of each individual. It is just to give an idea of what is available. It in no way serves as a prescription but is for information purposes only.
If you want 5 ways to reduce your bloating, pain, and gas, get my FREE e-book right now!
This guide is easy to understand, so that you can begin implementing changes today and
get relief as soon as possible.
Don’t suffer any longer!
A bit about me!
I am Danielle Elliott a qualified Naturopath and the owner of Tummy Rescue.
I have been helping kids & adults improve their health for over 16 years, with the last 11 years concentrating on helping patients with any kind of gut disorder. I began focussing on everything gut related after my husband was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. And lucky I did……as my husband and both our kids have Coeliac Disease and my daughter has a dairy allergy.
So…. I am well and truly where I am meant to be!
I love being able to help people to soothe and calm their symptoms, investigate the causes and support and improve their gut function.
I also get to write educational pieces to train practitioners and am often interviewed for podcasts and summits, which is another really rewarding part of my work. I love educating people (this is something I do in every consult), because I do believe knowledge is power. It gives you the tools to make the changes you need to!
So, when you opt-in to my E-book, you are beginning on a journey of learning and discovery, of how you can reduce your symptoms of bloating, gas & pain and improve your gut health.
I would be honoured to help you along the way.
Danielle xoxo